Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Suicide Park

Once a week, our family visits Suicide Park. That's when all the approved neighbors come out to show their support for one another. A unified neighborhood is a smaller neighborhood. We are all aware, the environment has been communicating it to our most influential neighbors for years. Only a chosen few can hear the needs of the environment.

My friends and I have been throwing rocks at the next-door neighbor's house for weeks now. Eleven year olds are never held accountable for anything. Adults constantly tell us to help select the next performers from what's left of the unneeded households in the neighborhood. Every single neighbor has to do their part. We are speeding up the next-door neighbor's decision to perform at Suicide Park. It has to be voluntary on their part. We're supposed to get the father ready to perform, but we'd rather see the whole family do a grand finale together. What a spread they would make.

Uncle Nuisance performed at Suicide Park last weekend. I will always cherish the memory. His performance made each of us feel like we were watching our own blood spill, such a proud moment. He performed using the "multi-guillotine." At that moment, I realized I too would want to perform on that very stage at Suicide Park.

He rested himself very comfortably on the center of a worn leather-bound table. The largest table served as a center piece for the four miniature tables pointing out from each corner. He placed both arms and both legs out onto the smaller leather-bound tables. Uncle Nuisance was splayed out, looking like Michelangelo's Vetruvian Man. He rested his head on a very tiny leather padded table, inches away from the center table. I thought of the hangman game us kids play. We're not old enough to perform at Suicide Park.

He looked very calm as he rested there, in front of the audience, like a meditating monk no one else believed they had the ability to be. The crowd of neighbors cheered for Uncle Nuisance's serene resolution. They convinced themselves the fate of the world rested on my uncle's ability to become one with it.

Uncle Nuisance looked at me with peaceful eyes and a sincere smile. Seconds later, he yelled loud enough to activate the voice controlled release system. "I am alive!"

At his command, the entire contraption shuddered. Razor sharp blades severed his head, both arms and legs. We knew not to move. The arms and legs dropped off into the stainless steel pots waiting beneath them, triggering the final blade. A massive blade, twice the size of the others fell down to sever Uncle Nuisance in half, right below the rib cage. I can still hear the chiming sound of the blade as it connected with the guard plate protecting the leather padding of the main table.

The crowd around us was the largest I had ever seen. Everyone was there to support Uncle Nuisance. Neighbors I never knew we had came to see his show.

I am so proud of him for performing at Suicide Park on his fortieth birthday. I decided then and there to give the same performance on my fortieth birthday. I'm only eleven now, maybe I can perform on my thirtieth birthday. Live not, waste not.

The quarters of Uncle Nuisance were carted away in stainless steel pots from the multi-guillotine stage to be prepared. I made sure not to eat that morning. No one in the family had eaten since last night. I'll never forget those hunger pains. My family followed the parade of stainless steel pots to BBQ Garden, a lovely building connected to Suicide Park.

Thank whoever god is, Uncle Nuisance was a bit larger than the Average Standard Man. The Average Standard Man is Al Gore's version of Hitler's perfect race. Every man must fit the standard: same size shoes, same size clothes, same compact car and same lifestyle as dictated by Al Gore's latest book. He named his struggle After Earth: Mars In Balance. It taught me how to be average in every way.

Dinosaurs had to die so humans could drive cars and kill each other over who has the largest supplies of oil. I think about all the wasted bodies below ground. Cemeteries and cremation are bad for the environment. Our ancestors disrespected the bodies of the dead by not consuming them. We don't leave our dead to rot inside coffins. Each of our family members live on inside of us, the young and the old. Ever since the Green Revolution we are allowed to have our family members live on inside of us. We consume them. Dad says we don't leave our dead to be compressed in massive holes to be the next generation of fossil fuel. Minister of Greenery, Leonardo DiCaprio, let those of us with Green Minds know that cannibalism is so much more than just abnormal hunger pains.

As the meal was set before us, we all bowed our heads. Grandpa stood up before the family and said the ceremonial words before we began relative consumption, "The body of Nuisance."

We repeated, "The body of Nuisance."

"The blood of Nuisance."

We replied in chorus, "The blood of Nuisance."

Grandpa made one last comment before the human feast began, "Don't forget about the vomitorium in the other room. No one leaves until we scrape every shard of protein off the skeletal remains of Uncle Nuisance. Bones will be distributed among those of us with pets."

I immediately began stuffing myself with Nuisance. I made sure to be first to the vomitorium!

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